graphic: Annual meeting of the NLG Cuba Sub-committee

This went out via email to our membership last week, but we thought it best to share it here and on our facebook page in case any of our members missed it. This is a reminder that the Cuba Subcommittee of the NLG is convening on

Wednesday, December 8th at 8pm EST/5pm PT

for our Annual meeting! We hope that you will join us for this important session. Please see draft agenda (below). Of course, if you have questions before Wednesday, please do not hesitate to reach out.

To join the Zoom meeting go to:

Annual Meeting of the

Cuba Subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild


Date of Meeting: Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

  1. Welcome
  2. Year in Review:
    1. Website Launch!
    1. Events we’ve participated in
    1. ACERE Accomplishments
    1. NLG Guild Grants
  3. Update on Cuba:
    1. Subcommittee Statement (Marti)
    1. ACERE Talking Points
    1. Events from July 11th/November 15th
  4. Membership Discussion
    1. What do we want or envision with the Steering Committee & how to accomplish that? (role, promoting more involvement & participation)
    1. What do we want or envision re involving the full subcommittee membership, & how can we best accomplish that?
  5. Project Plans for 2022:
    1. New Partnerships
    1. Projects
    1. Open Discussion
  6. Update on Labor Conference in Havana
  7. Open Discussion/Miscellaneous